The African Union on Wednesday said it
was following, with deep concern, the declarations and communiqués issued
recently by some of the Burundian parties regarding the peace process and
the implementation of the cease-fire agreements concluded between the transitional
government and the armed groups.
The African Union in a release said
it would like to refer, especially, to the communiqué issued by the CNDD
on 21 February 2003, as well as to the press release by UPRONA, dated 22
February, and expressed its deep concern with this evolution, which would
jeopardize the progress made in the restoration of peace and harmony in
Burundi. The African Union noted that these developments came at
a time when all factions have been exhorted to do their utmost to respect
their commitments to join their efforts with those of the international
community with a view to scrupulously implementing the different accords
reached through political compromises in order to promote a better future
for the people of Burundi, the release said.
The African Union launched an urgent appeal to all the political actors and the parties signatory to the different agreements reached to show restraint and a spirit of compromise with a view to preserving the gains made and to complete the process of restoring peace to their country, it said.
The African Union, whose military observers are already in Burundi, would do its utmost to help resolve all difficulties encountered on the ground, including providing for the combatants of the armed groups, the statement said.
- Addis Tribune
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