In Numbers
1.5 million people affected (OCHA Humanitarian Response Plan)
486,360 internally displaced persons (CONASUR – 4 October 2019)
96% of beneficiaries reached versus planned for lean season assistance
• In September, WFP assisted 100,637 IDPs and 2,080 members of host-communities.
• Lean season assistance has been completed. During that period, WFP provided in-kind and cash-based assistance to over 291,000 vulnerable individuals.
• WFP is exploring possibility of expanding operations in Boucle du Mouhoun and to introduce cash-based transfers to assist IDPs in hard-to-reach areas.
• USD 51.1 million are needed for urgent crisis response activities up to April 2020. Risk of halting assistance as of January 2020, without additional contributions.
Situation Update
• Security situation has been rapidly deteriorating in Burkina Faso with almost daily incidents registered in the regions of Sahel,
Nord, Centre-Nord, Est and Boucle du Mouhoun. As of 4 October 2019, the number of internally displaced people reached approximately 486,000 including CONASUR officially registered figures and provincial governor IDPs lists in CONASUR inaccessible areas. This marks a substantial increase of the number of IDPs with original projected figure of 330,000 IDPs by the end of the year.
• Humanitarian access has been limited due to the growing number of incidents. WFP is working to identify viable solutions to ensure that operations reach those most in need, ensuring the adequate protection measures are in place. WFP has been developing and adapting context-specific security and access strategies aligned with humanitarian principles. This involves close consultations with communities prior to food distributions to ensure that operations can take place without security incidents.
• A three-day Access and Acceptance workshop was organized on 3-5 October with the participation of Regional Bureau and HQ support. The workshop saw the participation of WFP partners in the country, and provided an opportunity to analyze the access challenges, and deep-dive into the current operational context, identifying solutions for ongoing operations.