In Numbers
399,450 people assisted* *Preliminary figures
3,660 mt of food distributed
US$ 108 million six-month net funding requirement (November 2024–April 2025)
Operational Updates
Insecurity and violence levels remained concerning in October, with several incidents reported across the country’s conflict-affected regions. Armed groups continued to disrupt lives and livelihoods, targeting civilians, transportation routes, and telecommunications infrastructure. Village incursions resulted in killings, kidnappings, and livestock theft. In besieged localities, residents remained cut off from access to essential supplies and basic social services, relying on supply convoys and aerial deliveries.
In hard-to-reach areas marked by persistent access constraints, WFP delivered food and nutrition assistance using helicopters, airlifting nearly 460 mt of commodities to five localities (Arbinda, Djibo, Kompienga, Pama, and Titao), providing a lifeline to 42,870 people. This included 970 young children and 640 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBW/G) who received specialized nutritious foods for the prevention of malnutrition or the management of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM)
WFP's crisis response prioritized the most acutely foodinsecure populations, providing unconditional in-kind emergency food assistance to meet beneficiaries’ basic food needs. During the month, WFP reached 198,740 acutely foodinsecure individuals, including 19,390 refugees. Of those assisted, 48 percent were in Crisis (CH Phase 3) and the remaining in Emergency (CH Phase 4). The distributed assistance covered beneficiaries’ basic food needs for one month, providing reduced rations equivalent to 50 - 75 percent of the standard food basket.
Complementing general food distributions, WFP provided specialized nutritious foods to prevent malnutrition, reaching 4,040 children aged 6-23 months (57 percent girls) and 2,900 PBW/G in October. Nutrition messaging from WFP reached 18,840 people (76 percent women) to raise awareness on good nutrition, hygiene, and optimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices.
To manage moderate acute malnutrition, WFP provided specialized nutritious foods to 60,850 children aged 6-59 months (52 percent girls), and 19,820 PBW/G. Moreover, 7,652 children aged 6-59 months were screened for malnutrition. This resulted in the detection of 164 cases of moderate and six cases of severe acute malnutrition
WFP and UNICEF made progress in preparing a joint transition plan, based on the World Health Organization’s new recommendations, to support the Government to prevent malnutrition and manage acute malnutrition in humanitarian settings. The transition plan foresees a pilot phase starting in selected health districts from mid-2025.
The 1st of October marked the beginning of the school year. Through its integrated school-based programme, WFP provided nutritious hot meals to 74,390 schoolchildren (52 percent girls) in 273 schools, and 14,820 take-home rations to schoolgirls. WFP’s emergency school-based programme, which targets schools with high numbers of internally displaced schoolchildren, faced significant resource gaps, preventing the delivery of food supplies to schools. Resource mobilization efforts are underway to resume emergency school meals.
Resilience-building activities resumed following the completion of harvests, allowing communities to participate in food assistance for assets activities. In the Centre-Est region, 360 people received training on topics such as compost production, energy-efficient stove construction, and forage cutting and conservation. In the Est region, 1,840 improved stoves were produced, and 6,000 kg of forage was harvested and stored to sustain livestock during the dry season. In the Plateau-Central region, two school gardens were established to produce vegetables for diversifying school meal programs. As part of the Sahel Resilience Partnership, a joint programme implemented by WFP, UNICEF, and GIZ, 120 households were trained in vegetable production techniques, organic pesticide formulation, and organic fertilizer production.