In Numbers
661,770 people assisted* *Preliminary figures
6,181 mt of food distributed
US$ 97 million six-month net funding requirement (December 2024–May 2025)
Operational Updates
- In November, security incidents continued across conflictaffected regions, marked by numerous clashes between armed groups, the military, and their auxiliary forces. Civilians faced violence during armed incursions into their villages, leading to intimidation, harassment, killings, and kidnappings, which often triggered population displacements to safer areas.
- In hard-to-reach areas affected by extreme access constraints, WFP airlifted food and nutrition assistance via heavy-lift helicopters, delivering 1,140 mt of commodities to seven localities. This assistance provided a lifeline to 103,110 people, including 5,130 children aged 6-23 months and 3,090 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBW/G) who received specialized nutritious foods for the prevention of malnutrition. As a last resort, WFP also participated in government-organized supply convoys, enabling the delivery of 760 mt of assistance to Gorgadji and Arbinda in the Sahel region, covering 31,000 people’s basic food needs for two months.
- WFP's crisis response prioritized the most acutely foodinsecure populations, providing unconditional in-kind emergency food assistance to meet beneficiaries’ basic food needs. In November, WFP reached 324,000 acutely foodinsecure people, including 16,130 refugees. Of those assisted, 57 percent were in Emergency (CH Phase 4), while the remaining in Crisis (CH Phase 3). The distributed assistance covered beneficiaries’ basic food needs for one month, providing reduced rations equivalent to 50 - 75 percent of the standard food basket. In addition, WFP assisted 57,470 people through early recovery initiatives, including income-generating activities, vocational training, and infrastructure rehabilitation.
- WFP distributed specialized nutritious foods to prevent malnutrition, reaching 25,610 children aged 6-23 months (50 percent girls) and 9,060 PBW/G. Nutrition messaging from WFP reached 32,500 people (76 percent women), raising awareness on good nutrition, hygiene, and optimal infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices.
- To manage moderate acute malnutrition, WFP provided specialized nutritious foods to 64,560 children aged 6-59 months (51 percent girls), and 21,300 PBW/G. Moreover, 25,860 children aged 6-59 months were screened for malnutrition. This resulted in the detection of 202 cases of moderate and 49 cases of severe acute malnutrition.