Key Messages
SAM Admissions increasing in Mali, Niger, Chad
• National strike of Health Workers in Burkina Faso continues to reduce drastically the data completion rate to less than <5% since May 2019.
• New SAM admissions are stable (-0.4%) in the 9 Sahel countries when compared to the average for the past 5 years, at the same period. However, a decrease of -16% is recorded compared to 2018. This is mostly due to Nigeria that has recorded a decrease in new SAM admissions (-46%) and to Burkina Faso that has weak completion rate since May 2019.
• New SAM admissions have increase (+19%) in the G5+1 Sahel countries when compared to the average for the past 5 years, at the same period. It increase by 12% when compared to 2018, this is mostly due to increase recorded in Chad (+44%).
• Significant increase of new admissions noted in Chad that can be explained by: Multiplication of screening campaigns / Epidemic (Chad) / Malaria season and Lean season / Stock-out of MAM supply / Improved geographical coverage / Weak data quality / Recurrent population movement / Limited access to basic health services in certain areas.
Deteriorated Situation in Central-Sahel that may spread in coastal countries
• Continuous and exponential deterioration of access to Health and Nutrition services in the 6 emergency regions of Burkina Faso, preventing ~881,000 people from access to basic social services.
• Level 2 of emergency is maitained by UNICEF in Central-Sahel countries (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger) and in the 4 coastal-countries (Benin, CIV, Ghana and Togo) due to major risk of spreading-out of the crisis.
Nutrition situation
• Preliminary Results from Chad 2019 national nutrition survey (SMART method) show no improvment in nutritional situation among U5 children. Nationaly, level of GAM and SAM rates remain above the alert and emergency thresholds with respectively 12.9% and 2.9%.
• In Mauritania, biomass levels at their lowest since 1998 in Assaba, Brakna, Gorgol, Guidimaka, Hodh El Gharbi, and Trarza regions. Negative impact expected on pastoral lean season that could begin earlier than usual, as well as on population nutritional status, especially in regions with high level of SAM prevalence (Assaba: 2.6% ; Gorgol: 2.6% ; Brakna: 1.7% ; Assaba: 2.6% ; Hodh El Gharbi: 1.8%). RUTF Pipeline Mostly Secured Except in Nigeria
• Funds secured to cover 2019 RUTF needs in all the countries, except in Nigeria where alarming situation occured in the North-Western states that are experiencing stock-out since May 2019.