·Burkina Faso registered 45 security incidents in July, causing 11 civilian casualties, including 1 child
·The number of internally displaced persons (IDP) reached 1,013,234 (CONASUR, 8 August 2020), out of which 60 percent were children.
·On 9 March, the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the country, reaching 1,143 cases by the end of July (Ministry of Health (MoH))
·According to Regional department of basic education in the Est region, a teacher from the town of Matiacoali was abducted by non-state armed groups (NSAG) on 26 July 2020. As of end of July, there has been no news about him.
·13 schools (12 primary schools and 1 secondary school) were burned down by NSAGs on 28 July in Tansarga commune, Tapoa province, Est region. No students nor teachers were affected, since schools have been closed since March due to COVID-19. Schools are set to open for the 2020-2021 school year unless security conditions deteriorate.
·In July, the MoH, with support from UNICEF, conducted the 2nd round of polio campaign in two health districts of the Centre-Est region, vaccinating over 157,398 children (90.30 per cent of the target)
·25 child protection actors from national and international NGOs trained on monitoring and reporting of child rights violations from 14 to 17 July 2020.