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Burkina Faso

UNICEF Burkina Faso Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4: 1 - 31 August 2022



  • According to the revised 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance increased from 3.5 million to 4.9 million, and the number of children in need increased from 2 to 2.8 million. The overall budget also increased from $590.9 million to $805.1 million.

  • In August 2022, 107 security incidents were registered, with nine children and 58 adults killed.

  • 241,933 children were vaccinated against measles in the Sahel Region, exceeding the target of 173,810.

  • 39,210 children under 5 years of age were treated in the six humanitarian regions, including 17,932 cases of malaria, 8,142 cases of diarrhea and 13,135 cases of pneumonia.

  • 37,715 people gained access to safe drinking water including 17,881 through water trucking due to UNICEF action, in the Nord and Boucle de Mouhoun regions.