Burkina Faso registered 87 security incidents in January and February, causing 116 civilians’ casualties, including 4 children, wounding 62 people, including 4 children (UNICEF Security)
According to the Humanitarian Response Plan 2020, the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance is 2.2 million, compared to 1.5 million in 2019 -
The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) reached 779,741 (CONASUR, 29 February 2020), out of which 62 percent children.
According to the humanitarian OCHA’s situation report of 27 February, 95 per cent of the IDPs leave in host communities
According to the Ministry of national education, literacy and promotion of national languages 2,492 schools were closed in the country, affecting 337,571 students and 11,043 teachers. Out of the closed schools, 11 were occupied by IDPs (MENAPNL 27 February 2020)
At the end of February, 1,649,398 people were affected by the lack of health and nutrition services in Burkina Faso, as 135 health centers were closed and 140 operating at a reduced capacity in six regions (Ministry of Health, 2 March 2020)
Situation in Numbers
1,300,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance
2,200,000 people in need (OCHA January 2020)
779,741 Internally displaced persons (IDPs) registered 482,246 Children (62%) (CONASUR)
337,571 # children without access to education (closed schools) (MENAPLN, 28 February 2020)
Funding Overview and Partnerships
In line with the 2020 UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children appeal (HAC), the funding gap at the end of February 2020 was US$82.5 million (85 per cent). During the reporting period, UNICEF-Burkina Faso received US$7.5 million from UNICEF German Committee, Japan and DFID, to scale up the HAC 2020 response to IDPs and host communities. UNICEF Burkina Faso would like to recognize the generous contributions from these key partners, as well as those who have contributed US$6.6 million in 2019 to the HAC 2020. UNICEF also recognizes the flexible and unearmarked funding received through the Global Humanitarian Thematic Fund.