As of January 2025, 3,288,294 individuals have been displaced, including 2,670,331 internally displaced persons (81% of the displaced population) and 617,963 refugees (19% of the displaced population). Sixty-four per cent of the displaced population (2,102,329 individuals, 2,062,534 IDPs) was in Burkina Faso, while 16 per cent resided in Mali (511,980 individuals, 378,363 IDPs), 11 per cent in Niger(363,662 individuals, 202,925 IDPs) and 5 per cent in Mauritania (153,974 refugees). The crisis’ recent spill over to coastal countries, namely Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo and Benin, shows growing number of refugees coming from the Central Sahel and populations internally displaced. As of January, 156,349 individuals were affected by displacement within the four countries, of which 26,509 were internally displaced (12,501 in Benin, 3,837 in Ghana and 10,171 in Togo).
Burkina Faso + 7 more