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Burkina Faso

Regional humanitarian fund allocates US$20 million to reach people affected by multiple crises in Burkina Faso

WASH supplies are distributed in Burkina Faso. OCHA.

Burkina Faso | 2022 | CBPF

Burkina Faso. With humanitarian needs increasing in the central Sahel, the Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa (RHFWCA) has allocated US$20 million to support NGOs in Burkina Faso to respond to the most critical challenges in hard-to-reach areas, where people urgently need WASH, protection, food, and shelter support.

Burkina Faso faces a multidimensional crisis. Some 3.5 million people – one-fifth of the population – need humanitarian assistance. The conflict has worsened vulnerability due to climate change-related drought and flooding. With the added effects of COVID-19, some 2.9 million people were severely food insecure in 2021.

This recent allocation targets the areas of Boucle du Mouhoun, North, Sahel and East on the borders of Mali and Niger, also known as the Liptako-Gourma region; as well as the Center-North and Center-East regions. The funding will support the delivery of an integrated package of assistance for people affected by conflict, food insecurity, and malnutrition in a context dramatically affected by climate change.

Thirty-four projects are approved for funding to reach some 850,000 people. National NGOs will receive $3.8 million in direct funding to implement eight projects, with INGOs receiving the remaining $16.2 million. $3.4 million of this will be sub-granted to local and national organizations. Many of the NNGOs are smaller, community-based organizations critical to ensuring community engagement, acceptance, humanitarian access, and more importantly, accountability to the affected population.

“We are pleased that this allocation will support so many local organizations, who will ensure that we can reach communities we otherwise would not be able to,” noted RHFWCA fund manager Olivier Nkidiaka. “Through the Regional Fund our partners will have the resources to help them reach a significant portion of Burkina Faso’s most vulnerable people as they deal with multiple crises.”

More information on the Regional Humanitarian Fund for West and Central Africa:


Pooled Fund impact stories

#2022, #Burkina Faso, #CBPF, #Multi-sector, #Regional funds


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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