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Burkina Faso + 5 more

Gender & Risk Finance: From micro to macro: Examples of inclusive disaster risk financing in LAC and West Africa


For over a decade, WFP has been supporting climate risk insurance as an important piece of the strategy for building women’s economic empowerment. WFP presents the story of women that have access to WFP’s climate risk insurance and related interventions. The fast recovery and protection from loss and damages that access to climate risk insurance can provide helps countries and households to better manage the impacts of the climate crisis, which is why WFP is advancing financial protection as one avenue for building resilience to extreme weather events.

Insurance might not be the silver bullet, still, it is an important component to achieve financial protection and build resilience, as demonstrated by these stories that demonstrate how these women were able to safeguard and strengthen their livelihoods, ensure food security of their households, and build their resilience, even with increasing climate shocks.

WFP can greatly contribute to the economic empowerment of women and households more broadly, when it integrates insurance into a comprehensive risk management approach.