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Burkina Faso + 2 more

Gender-based violence: Girls’ and women’s rights in the Central Sahel - Summary Report, Virtual Event, 16th October 2020



Virtual Event
16th October 2020
3:30 PM -5:00 PM CEST

Side event to the Ministerial Roundtable on Central Sahel 20th October 2020

Gender Based Violence (GBV) is a critical health, protection, power, and life-threatening issue in the Sahel. Conflict and displacement are driving escalating levels of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, child marriage, exploitation and abuse towards girls and women in the Sahel.

Plan International, Care International, UNFPA and the GBV AoR organized a virtual event on 16 October 2020 at 3:30 PM CEST prior to the Ministerial Round Table on Central Sahel. The event aimed to (i) amplify the voices and priorities of girls from Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger offering an unique opportunity to learn from first-hand-experience and receive recommendations from the affected girls, (ii) draw attention to the critical challenges to preventing and responding to GBV from women local groups and advocate for global solidarity around GBV, (iii) motivate governmental actors and donors to commit to strengthen the prevention, risk mitigation and response to GBV, raising the profile of the Call to Action on the protection of GBV in emergencies (CtA GBV) and ensuring the rights of women and girls are central to humanitarian action and across the triple nexus.