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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 31 July 2023)


In July, population movements continued (and even intensified), particularly in the Est and Boucle du Mouhoun regions. In the Est region, particularly in the town of Bogandé, more than 61,000 people arrived from the neighbouring villages of Sorga, Nindangou, Badori, Kankalsi, Leoura and Kohoura (in the commune of Bogandé). This is one of the largest movements reported since the start of the year.
Food assistance is the main priority for the affected population during the lean season (June - September). However, due to limited funding and access difficulties in certain areas, WFP has readjusted its intervention plan for the lean season to support a total of 804,500 people - both displaced and vulnerable people in host communities - compared with the 1,274,700 people targeted in the initial plan.
In addition, the lack of shelter remains a major concern for humanitarian actors and the affected population during the rainy season (May - October). As of 30 June, 93% of shelter needs and 86% de NFI kits were unmet for the newly displaced persons.
Despite the constraints, more than 770 metric tons of food and non-food items were delivered by humanitarian air services (UNHAS), which is considerably more expensive compared to road transport.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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