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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 31 December 2023)


Between January and December 2023, 2.9 million people received humanitarian assistance with the combined efforts of humanitarian partners. Over the course of the year, 12,000 MT of food and 900 MT of non-food items were delivered using humanitarian air services to people in hard-to-reach areas.

This year also saw the return of more than 300,000 people to their places of origin, according to the national Government. In addition, thanks to the efforts of the Government and humanitarian partners, 1,080 educational facilities were reopened, enabling 109,000 pupils to return to school.

The year 2023 was nevertheless marked by many security incidents (1,699 from January to December 2023 according to ACLED) and more than 700,000 people were newly displaced during the year. These new displacements and the vulnerability of communities to the effects of the security crisis, floods and pockets of drought continue to increase humanitarian need across the country.

In 2024, according to the Global Humanitarian Overview, 6.3 million people (27% of the population) will need humanitarian aid in the country's 13 regions, an increase of 35 per cent compared to 2023. Some USD 935 million will be required to meet the urgent needs of the 3.8 million people (17% of the population) targeted for assistance.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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