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Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 30 September 2023)


The humanitarian situation remained worrying in Burkina Faso during September. At the beginning of the month, torrential rains caused material damage (houses collapsed, livelihoods washed away) and human losses, with the death of four internally displaced people (one child in Titao in the Nord region and three in Bogandé in the Est region). In addition to the floods, security incidents caused the displacement of over 14,000 people during the month in the Est, Centre-Nord and Nord regions.

Humanitarian access by road remains a major challenge due to insecurity. Despite the difficult context, Humanitarian Air Services (UNHAS) transported more than 1,487 tonnes of food and non-food items to hard-to-reach areas in Burkina Faso during September. More than 760 tonnes, mainly food aid, were transported to Djibo in the Sahel region. Around 40,000 people (host communities and IDPs) received food distributions in Pensa and 4,000 benefited from drinking water distributions in Pissila in the Centre-Nord region.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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