Burkina Faso is a low-income Sahel country with limited natural resources. Its economy is primarily based on agriculture, although gold exports are growing in the country. With an estimated population of almost 22 million people, more than 40 per cent of the country’s inhabitants live below the poverty line. The 2021-2022 Human Development Index (HDI) report revealed that Burkina Faso was ranked 184 out of 191 countries on the index. Burkina Faso faces water scarcity and growing food insecurity caused by climate change. Recurring droughts and floods in the country can be attributed to climate change. The country also faces major security problems with persistent clashes between non- state armed groups and the Government.
The political context in Burkina Faso has been marked in recent years by a succession of coups in recent years. The transition of power in Burkina Faso is led by three main bodies: the transitional president of Burkina Faso, the government with a civilian prime minister and a transitional legislative assembly. As a result, Burkina Faso has been suspended from the governing bodies of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the African Union until constitutional order is restored in the country. However, a consensus was reached between ECOWAS and the transitional authorities for the duration of the 24-month transition.
Since 2015, Burkina Faso has been the target of attacks by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) that have caused population displacement in the country. According to the CONASUR data, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the country has increased from 50,000 in 2018 to an approximately two million in 2023. These displacements are a result of violence against the civilian population and the destruction of public property and infrastructure. Closure of markets, schools and health facilities pose significant challenges for humanitarian action in the country. The continuing deterioration of access have impacted humanitarian assistance to those affected, particularly in Barsalogho in the Centre-North, Pama/Majoari in the East, Titao in the North and Djibo in the Sahel Tougan and Nouna in the Boucle du Mouhoun.
Humanitarian needs in Burkina Faso are many and varied due to the difficult security situation and ongoing crises. Some of the key humanitarian needs identified include food assistance, access to clean water and sanitation, shelter, health services, social protection, education and adaptation to the effects of climate change and the environment.