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Bulgaria - Wildfires (media, EFFIS) (ECHO Daily Flash of 16 July 2024)

  • Wildfires have been burning in eastern Bulgaria since 13 July. The most severe wildfires have been burning in Sakar Mountain near Topolovgrad and Ivaylovgrad in Haskovo province in southeastern Bulgaria. Another wildfire is 3 km west of Stara Zagora city in Stara Zagora province. According to the JRC European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) the Sakar Mountain wildfires have an extension of 6,500 ha, while the Stara Zagora wildfire has an extension of 312 ha.
  • According to media, as of 16 July, several houses have been damaged in the village of Gornoselci and the town of Ivajlovgrad in Haskovo province by the Sakar mountain wildfires, there are no immediate reports of humanitarian impact. In the village of Srem – approximately 10 uninhabited houses have been damaged. The Stara Zagora wildfire started to move close to populated areas. Media also report that the wildfires are not under control.
  • On 15 July, Bulgaria requested assistance via the ERCC consisting of two helicopters. The Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) response includes two helicopters from Czech Republic. Offer accepted by Bulgarian authorities.
  • Over the next 24 hours, according to the JRC European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), the fire danger forecast is from very high to very extreme across the affected area, particularly due to very dry and hot conditions and strong winds.