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Brazil + 1 more

Roraima State Site Profiling: Boa Vista and Pacaraima, Roraima State, Brazil, September 2018 [EN/PT]



In support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), REACH is conducting monthly assessments in managed sites in Roraima state, in order to assist humanitarian planning and response. These factsheets present an overview of conditions in sites located in Boa Vista and Pacaraima towns in September 2018. A mixed methodology was used to gather information, with primary data collection conducted through direct observations between 26 and 28 of September 2018 as well as 7 Key Informant (KI) interviews conducted with actors working on the sites. Further, secondary data provided by UNHCR KI and the Brazilian Army were used to analyse selected key indicators. Given the dynamic situation in Boa Vista and Pacaraima, information should only be considered as relevant to the month of assessment.

Site overview

  • Assessed sites: 7
  • of individuals: 3,961

Boa Vista: 3,275
Pacaraima: 686

  • of households: 1,400

  • Avg household size: 3
  • Planned capacity: 2,866