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Brazil + 1 more

DTM: Monitoring the Warao Population Flow – Brasil – Maranhão (March 2020) [EN/PT]



This is the first report from the IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), carried out in the State of Maranhão, with a specific focus on the Warao indigenous population. Its publication is part of the IOM's process of monitoring the flow of people from Venezuela to Brazil. This activity sought to follow the migratory routes of the Warao population leaving Venezuela and often passing through Roraima, which is where the majority of previous DTM reports were undertaken in Brazil. DTM activities aim to promote safe, orderly and dignified migration based on respect for people’s rights.

This report was prepared with data collected through research in collective housing in São Luís, Imperatriz and São José de Ribamar between 1 and 9 March 2020. It presents information on the demographic profile of the population interviewed: education, work, health and social protection. This activity was financed by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM).