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Brazil: Yellow Fever Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) DREF Operation no. MDRBR008


A. Situation Analysis
Description of the disaster:

On 24 January 2017, the National Liaison Centre for the International Health Regulations of Brazil (RSI for its acronym in Portuguese), which is an extension of WHO, provided updated information to PAHO/WHO on the country's yellow fever situation; the information that was provided showed that the geographic distribution of confirmed cases is expanding and that it not only includes the state of Minas Gerais, but also the states of Espírito Santo, São Paulo, and Rio Grande do Norte. In addition, cases are being investigated in the states of Bahía, Goias and Tocantis.

According to epidemiological report number 29 from Brazil's Ministry of Health, 1,431 suspected cases of yellow fever have been reported 1 December, 2016 to 10 March 2017; of these cases 379 (26.50 per cent) were confirmed, 125 (8.73 per cent) were ruled out and 927 (64.77 per cent) are still under investigation.

The total number of suspected and confirmed cases is the highest that has been registered in the country since 2000 according to the WHO, and the vector poses a risk of spreading the disease to other parts of Brazil and other neighbouring countries in South America.

The epidemiological situation for the national impact is:
4 regions, 9 states, and 183 municipalities. The regions and states with reported cases are:
Central Region: Brasília, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul
North Region: Tocantins
North-eastern Region: Bahia, Rio Grande do Norte
South-eastern Region: Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo

Of the abovementioned regions, the south-east is the most affected, particularly in the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Sau Paulo.