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Brazil - Severe weather, update (Floodlist, INMET, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 13 July 2023)

  • Heavy rainfall continued to affect north-eastern Brazil, in particular the Pernambuco State and the neighbouring Alagoas State, over the last week, triggering landslides, causing floods and a number of severe weather-related incidents that have resulted in an increased number of fatalities and widespread damage.

  • In the Alagoas State, media report as of 13 July one fatality in the Joaquim Gomes Town, while the total number of displaced people remains at approximately 24,000 across 37 municipalities throughout the State.

  • In the Pernambuco State, 14 fatalities and three rescued people were reported in the Recife Capital City due to a building collapse, partially caused by the heavy rainfall. Around 3,000 people have been displaced across 25 municipalities of the State.

  • Over the next 24 hours, no more rainfall is forecast over north-eastern Brazil.