Heavy rainfall has been affecting north-eastern Brazil, in the last few days, that have resulted in population displacement and damage.
According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), as of 3 April, at least 2,323 people have been displaced due to heavy rainfall in Maranhão State. At least 13 Municipalities have declared a state of emergency: Formosa da Serra Negra, São Roberto, São João do Sóter, Tuntum, Monção, Pindaré-Mirim, Conceição do Lago Açu, Lago da Pedra, Lagoa Grande do Maranhão, Carutapera, Governador Nunes Freire, Boa Vista do Gurupi, and Trizidela do Vale.
Over the next 48 hours, more rainfall is forecast over Maranhão State, with locally very heavy rainfall.