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Brazil - Severe weather ( PAHO, INMET) (ECHO Daily Flash of 04 April 2024)

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting north-eastern Brazil, in the last few days, that have resulted in population displacement and damage.
  • According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), as of 3 April, at least 2,323 people have been displaced due to heavy rainfall in Maranhão State. At least 13 Municipalities have declared a state of emergency: Formosa da Serra Negra, São Roberto, São João do Sóter, Tuntum, Monção, Pindaré-Mirim, Conceição do Lago Açu, Lago da Pedra, Lagoa Grande do Maranhão, Carutapera, Governador Nunes Freire, Boa Vista do Gurupi, and Trizidela do Vale.
  • Over the next 48 hours, more rainfall is forecast over Maranhão State, with locally very heavy rainfall.