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Brazil - Severe weather, floods and landslides, update (Copernicus EMSR, IFRC, INMET) (ECHO Daily Flash of 13 May 2024)

  • The death toll has increased following heavy rainfall, floods and landslides in Rio Grande do Sul state (southernmost Brazil) that occurred in the past week.
  • According to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), as of 12 May, 143 people have died, 130 are still missing and 806 others have been injured. In addition, almost 540,000 people have been displaced and more than 2,115,000 others have been affected across 446 municipalities. Several roads were partially or totally blocked, and bridges and infrastructures have been flooded.
  • The Federal Government has declared the state of calamity so that civil protection and humanitarian assistance can be provided.
  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMSR720) was activated in rapid mapping mode on 3 May to provide flood extent and damage assessment, and 16 maps have been produced so far.
  • For the next 24 hours, moderate to localized heavy rainfall is forecast mostly over the northern parts of the affected state.