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Brazil - Severe weather (CatNat, INMET, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 14 July 2023)

  • Heavy rainfall, strong winds and heavy hailstorms have been affecting the southernmost States of Brazil, particularly the Rio Grande do Sul and the neighbouring Santa Catarina State, over the last 48 hours, causing floods and a number of severe weather-related incidents, in particular due to strong winds and hailstorms, that have resulted in population displacement and severe damage.

  • In the Rio Grande do Sul State, media report as of 14 July an uncertain number of displaced people, mainly in Greater Porto Alegre area, the capital of the State, thousands of damaged buildings including a number of schools, three damaged bridges and up to 2 millions power outages due to severe weather-related incidents. In addition, an unconfirmed number of people were affected by floods across the Santa Catarina State.

  • Over the next 24 hours, very heavy rainfall is still forecast over both the already affected States of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.