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Brazil - Severe weather and floods, update (media, INMET) (ECHO Daily Flash of 01 March 2024)

  • Heavy rainfall has been affecting Brazil since 25 February causing floods, rivers overflow and severe weather-related incidents, that have resulted in casualties and damage.
  • As of 1 March, according to media reports, Acre State, which borders with Peru and Bolivia, remains the most affected with at least 5,402 people sheltering in 57 evacuation centres and 30 families having completely lost their livelihoods. One of the main bridges over the Acre River connecting Brazil to Bolivia was flooded.
  • According to the same sources, also São Paulo State, eastern Brazil has been affected, with one injured person in Embu das Artes Municipality due to a severe weather-related incident, and more than 20 flights cancelled at the Congonhas Airport.
  • Over the next 48 hours, very heavy rainfall is still forecast over the Acre State, moderate rainfall is forecast over eastern Brazil.