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Emergency Flood Relief (Provision of Supplies) to the Republic of Botswana (report #2)

The following is a report on the arrival of emergency supplies in the Republic of Botswana. The supplies were approved for shipment on February 29 (Tue).

1. Arrival of the Supplies in Botswana

The supplies arrived in Botswana according to following schedule:

March 1: departed London 8:25 p.m.

March 2: arrived in Johannesburg 9:05 a.m.

March 3: departed Johannesburg 10:00 a.m.

arrived in Gaborone--11:00 a.m.

2. Presentation of the Supplies

Both representatives of the government of Botswana and JICA verified the content of the relief supplies upon their arrival aboard a chartered aircraft. At 3:00 p.m. a transfer ceremony, which was attended by the Minister of Health, was held in a conference room of the Department of Foreign Affairs. At the ceremony JICA representatives presented an inventory of the supplies to the Botswanan side. The Minister of Health gave an outline of the disaster and expressed gratitude to the Japanese government for its provision of the supplies. Later, the tents and blankets were displayed to the mass media in the courtyard of the Department of Foreign Affairs, and photographs were taken.

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