The Botswana Red Cross Society has completed the construction of houses and sanitary facilities for victims of the devastating floods caused by cyclones Connie and Eline which ravaged the region two years ago. The floods affected most of the country's 14 districts, and the Botswana Red Cross, with support from the International Federation, assisted more than 5,000 people in the immediate aftermath of the disaster by providing emergency aid such as food, tents, blankets and clothing. After a needs assessment by the Botswana Red Cross, five villages were selected for a rehabilitation programme, where a total of 63 houses and as many sanitary facilities were built in the villages of Artesia, Kgomodiasthaba, Sesung, Damchojenaa and Mokubilo villages with combined support from the German Red Cross and the Federation. The operation also prompted the Botswana Red Cross to establish a disaster preparedness and response programme. "Though we have other forms of disasters, floods still remain a threat that needs to be taken seriously", said Red Cross disaster co-ordinator Oreneile Kristensen.