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ACT Alert Botswana & Southern Zimbabwe - No 1/2000: Floods

Geneva, 18 February 2000

Since 10 February 2000 (when the Government appealed for humanitarian assistance), continuous rainfall has created the heaviest flood situation in Botswana in thirty years with 18 administrative districts and towns being affected.

Four rivers in the east and southern parts have burst their banks and several dams are overflowing. The torrential rain has caused extensive damage to property and infrastructure with the capital, Gaborone, cut off from the rest of the country. It is estimated that around 60,000 people have been affected and in urgent need of food, shelter and in-kind donations of clothing and blankets.

ACT member The Botswana Christian Council (BCC) has made an initial contribution of around US$ 1,050 to the Gaborone Disaster Preparedness Committee and has made a general appeal for assistance.


The Lutheran Development Service in Zimbabwe reports that the population of Beitbirdge area in southern Zimbabwe have been warned that the massive floods currently affecting South Africa and Botswana may reach their area within the next 10 days. The local Red Cross is advising people how to prepare themselves.

Botswana Christian Council and the Lutheran Development Service in Zimbabwe are continuing to assess the situation and appeals may or may not be forthcoming depending on information received.

The current flooding appears to be a regional phenomenon, please refer to ACT Alerts of 9 February for Mozambique and South Africa.

Thank you for your attention.

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ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related agencies meeting human need through coordinated emergency response. The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland.