Who Does What Where in DRR in BiH – shaping new interconnectedness patterns
By Irina Kulenovic and Erik Kjaergaard
Multi-stakeholder and inter-agency platforms can help mobilize knowledge, skills and resources required for mainstreaming DRR into development and emergency policies, plans and programmes by providing coordination, analysis and advice.
This updated version of 3W publication provides an overview of who does what and where in the field of disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina and represents an outcome of a 'who does what where' exercise on the International Day for DRR in October 2015. This version, finalized in May, now contains 39 agency/institutional profiles detailing what DRR practitioners do in different locations in the country. Also, at the end of this publication we included 14 maps developed in QGiS open source software in order to provide spatial analysis of agencies’ geographical presence and focus areas of their involvement. This type of analysis provide DRR practitioners with a better overview of where and in what thematic areas to target their ongoing and future DRR interventions. By introducing this type of spatial guidelines and enhancing close collaboration of policy-makers, scientists, urban planners, engineers, architects, development workers and civil society, the precondition for adopting comprehensive approaches and inventing new solutions is ensured for any of DRR related efforts.