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Bosnia and Herzegovina

UNICEF Bosnia and Herzegovina Situation Report: 21 May 2021



  • An estimated 6,000 migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers, including approximately 750 children in Bosnia and Herzegovina are in need of immediate humanitarian assistance.
  • About 4,100 migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers including about 600 children (UAC and children with families) are in temporary reception centres (TRCs) and other formal accommodation across the country.
  • An estimated 1,900 migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers, including approximately 150 unaccompanied children (UAC) are outside TRCs and mostly have been identified sleeping rough in poor sanitary and hygiene conditions, exposing them to severe health risks in Una-Sana, Sarajevo and Tuzla Cantons.
  • The lack of sufficient accommodation capacities and access to support services for unaccompanied children highlights the need for a small-scale facility and appropriate alternative care options for particularly the most vulnerable UAC.