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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Support to BiH population hit by 2014 floods continues: Livelihoods beneficiaries earned total of 277 thousand bam

Livelihoods beneficiaries of Flood Recovery Programme, financed by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, generated income in total amount of 277 thousand BAM on the basis of support packages received as part of the economic empowerment of communities hit by 2014 floods. 167 households from 31 municipalities in Bosnia and Herzegovina fulfilled the conditions to participate in the livelihoods component of the Programme and receive support in the areas of agriculture production or self-employment. Support packages were delivered to the households in the period from spring to autumn of 2019.

In the area of agriculture production, greenhouses with accompanying equipment and input supplies for planting of tomatoes and peppers; beehives and input supplies for beekeeping; small agricultural machinery and equipment; as well as input supplies for maize sowing were distributed through Programme. Households produced total of 67 tons of tomatoes, 33 tons of peppers, 211 tons of maize grain and 275 tons of silage, part of which they used for their own needs, while the rest was placed on the market thus securing additional income.

Six livelihoods beneficiaries of the Programme were supported through self-employment component. For these beneficiaries, training was held in order for them to acquire skills needed for managing and developing of their own small businesses. Upon the completion of the training, beneficiaries registered their small businesses, after which they received equipment and tools necessary for work.

During the first year of work, for all livelihoods beneficiaries mentoring was secured in order to help them achieve the good results. Besides economic empowerment, currently ongoing are housing interventions for around 3,000 people whose homes were damaged or destroyed in 2014 floods.

Flood Recovery – Housing Interventions Programme represents the next phase in the European Union’s efforts to alleviate the catastrophic effects of the 2014 floods. The intervention, launched in September 2017, provides durable housing solutions, coupled with improved livelihood opportunities, for the most vulnerable families whose homes were damaged or destroyed in floods and landslides. The Programme, valued at 15 million euro, is funded by the European Union in the amount of 12.5 million euro, in cooperation with the entity governments of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH), Republika Srpska (RS) and partner local governments. The Programme is implemented in 44 municipalities in BiH by UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB), Hilfswerk International (HWI).