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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Stories of Impact: Building Back Better in Bosnia and Herzegovina



In May 2014, unprecedented rainfall in Bosnia and Herzegovina affected more than 1 million people (25% of the population), and the resulting heavy flooding caused estimated damages and losses equivalent to nearly 15% of the country’s GDP. In a country where one fifth of the workforce is employed in agriculture, river floods inundated newly-plowed fields and ravaged 81 municipalities, severely disrupting the economy and imperiling livelihoods.

In response to this crisis, a Recovery Needs Assessment (RNA) was launched by the Governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina with support from the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR), the World Bank, the European Union, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This resulting assessment was used to quantify damages and provide a robust reconstruction and recovery plan for effective rehabilitation of energy supply, water and sanitation, transport, and other vital infrastructure and services in flood-affected areas.


• The Recovery Needs Assessment’s findings, which estimated damages and losses at $2.7 billion, leveraged $100 million from the World Bank IDA’s Crisis Response Window to finance emergency goods and rehabilitate high-priority infrastructure.

• More than 100,000 people received emergency assistance, including agricultural goods (seeds, irrigation equipment, and greenhouses) to restore livelihoods and received construction materials to rebuild damaged houses.

• More than 180,000 people, nearly half of whom are women, have benefitted from rehabilitated infrastructure and flood protection in affected areas since the 2014 floods.