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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Rapid Needs Assessment Floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 26 May 2014


Background: Further to the floods affecting Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia, PCPM mission undertook a rapid needs assessment in the vicinity of Doboj, Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the next days, we plan to undertake assessments in the vicinity of Modriča, Šamac, Orašje, Brčko and Gračanica.

Doboj, Republika Srpska
Doboj, a 30-thousand town located at a confluence of River Bosna flowing from the South and Spreča, flowing from the Gračanica Valley to the West, was flooded on 14-15 May. The location at the confluence of two rivers caused the water level rose to rise extremely quickly: it reached 6-7 meters within mere 45 minutes, leaving the local population virtually unable to evacuate their belongings. The city center was inundated, with most of the buildings affected up to the first floor. There is still shortage of water and electricity in parts of downtown Doboj, although water and electricity are available uphill. Shops and markets in downtown Doboj are devastated, while uphill are working normally. There is a massive cleanup operation taking place in the city, coordinated by the Opština authorities.

Several of 23 casualties of the floods in Bosnia and Herzegovina originate from the Doboj region.

According to the Doboj’s Red Cross branch, there are three flood-damaged elementary schools and up to 5 flood damaged intermediate and secondary schools in Doboj town alone.

The primary health center in Doboj (Dom Zdravlja) has been flooded up the first floor, damaging number of facilities, including the X-ray room. There are rudimentary medical services operating from the top floor of the facility. The rest is being cleaned and disinfected but will require major assistance in repairs and re-equipping.

PCPM assessed also villages located on the eastern bank of Bosna river north of Doboj. Villages of Kostajnica, Grapska, Osječani, Kožuhe and Koprivna have been largely sheltered by the railway line running parallel to the river and suffered no or very limited damage. Doboj’s suburb of Bare, located on the western bank of the river seems to be have been flooded up to the first floor.

The following needs were identified directly by PCPM team on the ground or came up during a meeting with the Head of Doboj Branch of the BiH Red Crescent Society:

Immediate assistance needs:

• Food – flour, cooking oil, salt, sugar, canned food, beans
• Hygienic kits
• Bed linen and blankets

These needs were identified by the Head of Doboj Branch of the BiH Red Crescent Society.
PCPM team saw a number of trucks on its way to Doboj with what it seemed to be food and non-food items.

Early recovery and recovery assistance needs:

• Windows and doors to the flooded apartments and houses
• Basic construction supplies, including plaster and paints
• Sinks, toilets, bath tubes and other bathroom equipment
• Furniture, especially beds – priority to rural areas
• Kitchen appliances, especially fridges – priority to rural areas
• Rehabilitation of flood-damaged schools
• Rehabilitation of flood-damaged primary health care center in downtown Doboj and other medical facilities
• Volunteer work to assist in flood cleanup operation.

The PCPM assessment mission has been generously funded by the Kulczyk Foundation.

PCPM team leader contact: dr Wojtek Wilk, Doboj (