o Posavina region remains severely affected, in particular Vidovica, Kopanica, Lepnica and Jenjic, which are still under water (MoS 27 May).
o Infrastructure is being reestablished in multiple locations, but access to potable water is still an issue.
o Electricity being brought back on line in most locations. Some isolated settlements remain, however, without electricity and water.
o Roads access has improved; few locations remain isolated.
o Water levels went down and most rivers have receded to their riverbeds.
o Increased number of land and mudslides reported in multiple locations. More rainfall and thunderstorms expected in the North; threat of more landslides.
o Landslides and debris present a great threat in areas hit by floods. Around a 2,600 landslides have been reported.
o 40,000 displaced; number accommodated in collective centers appears to be decreasing and remains unknown.
o Reported Casualties: Federation 7; RS 18 casualties. NO REPORTED CHANGE.
o Sporadic reports of UXOs and mines being discovered throughout the flood affected areas (e.g. Zepce and Sarajevo Cantons).
o A joint UN-EU-World Bank rapid assessment will be deployed on May 31.
o Main emerging issues are: damages to agriculture and livestock; housing and its refurbishment; paralysis of the industrial sector; temporary loss of jobs; damages to administration services.