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Bosnia and Herzegovina

BHMAC press release 19.05.2014


Due to the natural disasters of floods and landslides that have befallen Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mine Action Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina warns residents of the flooded areas as well as the areas with landslides that there is a possibility that the floods and landslides have moved certain minefields and took away mine warning signs.

According to information from the field collected by BHMAC teams, we have a case where at the location of Olovo the river of Krivaja took away mine warning signs from suspected hazardous areas. In the area of Bosanska Krupa mines have showed up in one landslide and BHMAC teams have marked this location with mine warning signs. In the area of Visoko in Semizovac at gas station it was marked UXO as well as at the place where the river of Ljubina flows into Bosnia river. BHMAC teams are in the field in Olovo and Visoko in order to renew mine warning signs.

All operational teams of Mine Action Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina are present in flooded areas where the water receded, with the aim of gathering information on changes of the borders of suspected hazardous areas caused by floods and landslides.

It has also been seeked the international assistance in additional equipment and satellite images of the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We are establishing cooperation with Mine Action Centre of Republic of Serbia and Mine Action Centre of Republic of Croatia in order to form a special crisis team at the regional level for critical areas.

Once again we appeal to the citizens of flooded areas and areas affected by landslides to send all available information to Mine Action Centre in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Civil Protections in BiH if they notice mine explosive devices and to do not touch such devices.

We also appeal to the citizens to temporary mark the location where they have found mine explosive devices until arrival of professional teams for demining.

The next press release will be published today at 4 PM after gathering information from the field and after receiving instructions from the session of Demining Commision in Bosnia and Herzegovina.