Planned Project Summary Information
Project Number: QM Z-020651
Branch: Europe, Middle East and Maghreb (EMM)
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia and Montenegro (SCG).
CIDA's ODA Priorities: Primary Health Care (30%); Public Sector Competence (20%); Strengthening Civil Society (20%); Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care (20%); and Gender Equality (10%).
CIDA's Sectors: Health Policy and Administrative management (40%); Strengthening Civil Society (25%); Health Personnel Development (10%); Health Education (10%); Reproductive Health Care (10%); and STD Control, including HIV/AIDS (5%).
Project Approval Date: February 2005
Anticipated Project Duration: September 2005 to September 2009
Estimated Project Value Range: up to $1 million
Project Implementation: Competitive selection of an Executing Agency (EA) for an up to four year contract. The total level of effort is estimated at up to 500 workdays to conduct a performance review of the Balkans Health Programme through the monitoring and evaluation of individual projects and the program as a whole. In addition, the EA will be responsible for providing health sector advice and recommendations to CIDA in such areas as primary health care policy, programmes and services, particularly in relation to health sector governance, health human resources, youth health and public health.
It should be noted that any firm and/or individual with the intention to be involved in the implementation of any of the Balkans Health Programme's projects are excluded from bidding on the Monitoring and Evaluation Contract.
Probable Publication on MERX: August 2005
Contract Description: Due to the integrated nature of the Balkans Health Programme, with its up to five projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and Serbia and Montenegro (SCG), a performance review approach has been selected that combines monitoring and evaluation at both the Programme and project levels.
This approach is deemed necessary to ensure that: (a) individual projects are meeting overall Programme goals and objectives; (b) the Programme benefits from sector analysis and strategic advice; and (c) collaboration and coordination among projects as well as with bilateral and multilateral donors is promoted.
The Executing Agency will assemble a multi-disciplinary team that brings together a wide range of experience and expertise, including local professional experts. The Executing Agency is also expected to collaborate closely with health sector experts currently on retainer with the Canadian Embassies in Belgrade and Sarajevo. The contract will cover the services of performance review personnel as well as health sector experts in Canada, SCG and BiH. A total level of effort is estimated at up to 500 workdays that is based a seven and a half (7.5) hour workday.
Balkans Health Programme Description: The goal of the Balkans Health Programme is to contribute to the achievement of responsive and accountable health care systems to improve health status, thereby furthering the creation of an enabling environment for social, economic and political development. Its objective is to support primary health care reform by ensuring that the region's countries/entities have the capacity to develop and implement appropriate policies, enabling legislation and administrative regulations, thus increasing the likelihood of lasting and sustainable change. The programme is designed to contribute to health care reform in the areas of primary health care policy (health human resources and primary health care governance), youth and health as well as public health.
Directive, responsive and grant delivery models are being employed. The core of the Balkans Health Programme is intended to be two directive Request for Proposal projects in the areas of youth health (up-to $7 million) and primary health care policy reform (up-to $7 million). In addition, a $1.2 million grant in support of the World Bank's Montenegro Health System Improvement Project has been approved and the Programme is also considering responsive projects in the areas of public health associations and a smaller youth health project with a specific focus on sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.
Please note that the launch of this Monitoring and Evaluation Request for Proposal is contingent on the approval of the two directive projects noted above.
Development Officer: Michael Rymek, (819) 994-7131