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Long Term Planning Framework: Bolivian Red Cross 2012-2013


1 Americas Zone Mission

The mission of the Americas Zone is to support Americas National Societies to increase humanitarian and development standards, helping them to remain relevant within their country and sustainable and accountable for their actions, guided by the implementation of Strategy 2020.

2 National Society Mission

The Bolivian Red Cross (BRC) is a volunteer, non-profit, humanitarian organization that based on seven fundamental principles and an internationally recognized emblem contributes to improve the quality of life of the most vulnerable people, promoting the development of their capacities.

3 Introduction Bolivian Red Cross Framework

The BRC has aims to be participatory and self-sustainable organization, addressing development, and having a strengthened volunteer base to ensure efficient and effective management and provide quality services.

Whilst the zone plan has been established for 2012–2015, the Bolivian Red Cross Strategic Plan started in 2009 and will end in 2013. The county plan is based on the period in which the BRC Strategic Plan is in effect.

The Bolivian Red Cross Strategic plan has the following strategic objectives:

  1. Develop local capacities of communities and the Bolivian Red Cross, striving to more efficiently diminish the levels of vulnerability that affect development.

  2. Contribute to the reduction of the multiple forms of discrimination within the framework of our humanitarian values. Act flawlessly with regards to internal violence.

  3. Consolidate the risk management implementation process, focusing on the sustainable development of the most vulnerable communities.

  4. Contribute to improve the health conditions for women, men, young people, adolescents, boys and girls under the age of five.

  5. Consolidate the appropriate use of the emblem in accordance with Law 2390 on the use and protection of the Red Cross emblem.

  6. Consolidate the training of the BRC volunteers through on-site workshops and long-distance internet-based learning, thus strengthening volunteers’ capacities.

Context/Background of the National Society Priorities

In light of the new Bolivian Constitution enacted in February 2009, Bolivia is a unitary social State of pluri-national, community-based law which is free, independent, sovereign, democratic, intercultural, decentralized and autonomous. Bolivia is founded on plurality and political, economic, legal, cultural and linguistic pluralism within the country’s process of integration. The State is grounded on the values of unity, equality, inclusion, dignity, freedom, solidarity, reciprocity, respect, complementarity, harmony, openness, balance, equal opportunities, social and gender equity in participation, common good, responsibility, social justice, distribution and redistribution of goods and social goods in order to ensure well-being. The Republic of Bolivia adopts a participatory, democratic, representative and community-based form of government, with equal conditions for men and women.

Bolivia aims to significantly reduce poverty and inequality, seeking to achieve significant economic development with social equity.