In Numbers
USD 11.7 m total requirements
USD 1.5 m six months net funding requirements
USD 148,829 distributed in Cash Transfer
4,747 people assisted in June 2020
Operational Updates
• Since 1 June Bolivia is adopting specific lockdown measures for each department and municipality. As of this date, each local authority is responsible for adopting and communicating the specific measures for their localities. Nevertheless, all schools and country borders remain closed. All staff of WFP Bolivia CO is working from home, and all missions not related to the emergency are suspended until further notice.
• In June 2020, about 600 people attended nutritional workshops organized by the Bolivia CO. WFP previously assisted them with electronic cards for food purchases. Due to COVID-19 prevention and social distance measures, most of the workshops took place through virtual platforms.
• WFP assisted 1,100 vulnerable families with electronic cards for food purchases. This group of beneficiaries is composed of people with physical and mental disabilities, families in extreme poverty and abandoned girls, boys and elderlies. Because of the lockdown measures, these people have not been able to ensure nutritious food consumption.
• WFP finalized the distribution of Take-Home Rations (THR) in the municipality of Entre Ríos. In June, over 2,500 rations were distributed in 57 different schools. Rations are composed of 14.4 kg of flour and 200 gr of dried peas (per girl/boy).
As per the Ministry of Planning request, WFP provided food rations to 238 families from the indigenous community 'Uru Murato,' in the department of Oruro. These vulnerable families, dependent on the sale of handicrafts, and have not generated income during the entire quarantine period.