In Numbers
USD 2.6 m (August–January 2023) net funding requirements, representing 69% of the total
Operational Updates
To create climate smart livelihoods and engage in inclusive economic activities within the context of the pandemic and climate crisis, WFP provided humanitarian assistance through its resilience programming to the Uru Indigenous nation. In July, WFP assessed the needs and quantified the work for the rehabilitation and building of productive assets, such as water management as well as greenhouse production systems. Further, WFP assessed the needs and efforts essential for sustainable coordination, so each activity will be carried out with a local counterpart.
On 20 July, WFP and the Ministry of Rural Development and Lands launched the "Integrated Context Analysis Map of Vulnerability to Food Insecurity in Bolivia at the Community Level", also known as Integrated Community Context Analysis. This tool will help identify the risk of food insecurity in each community and help them to strengthen their livelihoods.
WFP Bolivia collected data about food access and food security status to assess the needs of the most vulnerable people living in peri-urban areas. WFP Bolivia’s Country Director visited different popular dining rooms and shelters in La Paz and El Alto. According to a religious organization, “the crisis and increasing prices keep us from our service to the poorest and the possibility of receiving more adults who are abandoned in the Mother Teresa Calcutta shelter, who come to us because of hunger” (Mother Maria Hosea).
WFP keeps monitoring the market because of the epidemiological situation in the country. Bolivia continues to be severely affected by the fifth pandemic wave. In July, the COVID-19 cases increased by 62 percent and reached a daily record of 4,173 new cases on 13 July.