In Numbers
USD 257,763 in cash transfers
USD 0.1 m six months net funding requirements
11.912 people assisted August 2020
Operational Updates
• On August 27, the Bolivian government announced a progressive return to normal economic activities, planning to gradually remove the COVID-19-related restrictions in all its forms. Working hours will return to eight hours per day. The border restrictions, the suspension of public events, cultural, sports and political activities will remain in force.
• WFP signed agreements with local authorities from the cities of Sucre and Oruro, as part of a UN joint programme supported by the World Bank. WFP will provide up to 5,460 food rations to patients admitted to recovery centres in both cities.
• In the city of Oruro, a Food Assistance for Asset activity for families in vulnerable situation started to be implemented. Beneficiaries work to restore economic assets and receive food vouchers in return. In August the initiative benefitted about 1,600 citizens.
• The WFP assisted with electronic e-vouchers 255 vulnerable Venezuelan migrant families in La Paz and El Alto. WFP also provided non-fooditems to support the Venezuelan families.
• In August, WFP provided food assistance to about 450 highly vulnerable families in La Paz and El alto, including abandoned people and psychiatric patients.