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10 Facts About Hunger In Bolivia

Help us raise awareness on the effects of hunger and malnutrition in Bolivia by sharing these ten facts.

  1. According to the latest census carried out at the end of 2012, Bolivia has a population of just over 10 million, with 45 percent living below the poverty line

  2. The FAO/WFP Hunger Map of 2014 shows that 19.8 percent of the population are malnourished.

  3. While levels of "extreme" poverty are decreasing (from 45 percent in 2000 to 21 percent in 2011), 41 percent of rural households still cannot afford a minimum food basket.

  4. About 24.5% of households with children under 5 do not have access to safe drinking water, making food preparation difficult.

  5. Nationally, 6.6% of children are born underweight at 2.5Kg (5.5 lbs)

  6. Seven percent of women in Bolivia have no education. This affects the nutritional habits of families.

  7. Six and a half percent of children between the ages of 6 and 8 months in Bolivia are not breastfeed. This has an effect on their proper growth and development.

  8. Bolivia has reduced its levels of chronic malnutrition from 27.1% (ENDSA 2008) to 18.1% in children under 5.

  9. The Government of Bolivia has set a goal to put an end to hunger and poverty. The State Constitution declares the Right to Adequate Food and ratifies the fight and promotion of food sovereignty in the Patriotic Agenda 2025

  10. Anaemia in children aged 3 to 59 months is considered a public health problem as it is at 60%.


  1. WFP Bolivia country brief
  2. WFP Bolivia country brief
  3. WFP Bolivia country brief
  4. ESNUT 2012
  5. ESNUT 2012
  6. ESNUT 2012
  7. ESNUT 2012
  8. ESNUT 2012
  9. Ministry of the Government of Bolivia
  10. ESNUT 2012

Learn more about hunger and malnutrition from WFP's comprehensive list of Facts About Hunger and Malnutrition.