- WFP, in collaboration with Building Resilient Commercial Smallholder Agriculture, completed the district agriculture resilience plan workshops for Tsirang and Zhemgang districts.
- WFP requires US$0.582 million six months (November 2024 to April 2025) net funding
Operational Updates
Agriculture Resilience Plan Workshop for two districts
- WFP, together with the Building Resilient Commercial Smallholder Agriculture’s (BRECSA) project management unit conducted two agriculture resilience plan (ARP) workshop in the districts of Zhemgang and Tsirang.
o In Zhemgang, 49 participants (5 women and 44 men) comprising of local leaders, livestock and agricultural extension officers, sector heads and lead farmers participated in the consultation workshop from 24-26 October.
o In Tsirang,, 63 participants (14 women and 49 men) comprising of local leaders and stakeholders, livestock and agricultural extension officers, sector heads, lead farmers, and representatives from the Ability Bhutan Society and Respect, Educate, Nurture and Empower Women (RENEW) participated in the workshop from 28-30 October.
- The main objectives of the workshops were to present and validate key findings from the Consolidated Livelihood Exercise for Analyzing Resilience (CLEAR+) Exercise, gather additional feedback from district, and sub-district stakeholders, and collaboratively draft the ARPs. The ARPs will be one of the key documents in informing the district annual work plan and budget 2025-26.
School Menu Planner PLUS workshop
- From 21-24 October, the School Menu Planner (SMP) PLUS training workshop was conducted for schools in Thimphu district in partnership with Ministry of Education and Skills Development (MoESD). A total of 21 participants (6 women and 15 men) comprising of school authorities, district livestock authorities were trained on developing optimized menus using WFPs innovative SMP PLUS tool.
- Following the SMP PLUS workshop, 14 participants (10 women and 4 men) comprising of chef, school cooks and matron were trained on integrated food preparation training for the SMP PLUS designed menus. Menus designed with SMP PLUS will support schools in designing cost-efficient, nutritious meals while improving dietary diversity and increasing use of locally available food in school meals for children enrolled in the national school feeding and nutrition programme.