08 April 2011 – In the week preceding the publication of this revised Emergency Humanitarian Action Plan (EHAP) for Côte d'Ivoire and neighbouring countries, the situation in Côte d'Ivoire has dramatically deteriorated. Heavy fighting is occurring in Abidjan and the western and central regions between the Forces Républicaines loyal to Alassane Ouattara and the Forces de Défense et de Sécurité of Laurent Gbagbo, jeopardizing the security of civilians and disrupting the delivery of essential aid to affected people, particularly in the economic capital Abidjan. It is also reported that hundreds of people have been killed in the western towns of Duékoué and Guiglo. This revised EHAP's planning estimate of more than 800,000 internally displaced people in Côte d'Ivoire has almost certainly come true, and it is all too possible that the humanitarian consequences will become even greater than the current estimate.
Even though the effects of the latest fighting in Abidjan are difficult to assess at this stage and needs are fluctuating, the urgent need for funding (only US$21,934,220 has been received so far for actions within the EHAP) makes the publication of the revised EHAP more urgent than ever. The Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) has therefore decided to proceed with publishing this revision, in the full knowledge that some of its particulars are likely to be superseded by events very soon. In such a situation, waiting for perfect certainty is not the humane option. The HCT also acknowledges that the revised plans and strategy herein presented are no more definite than the uncertainties of the situation allow. In implementation, agencies, clusters and the HCT will continually monitor and target the highest-priority needs. As a clearer picture of humanitarian needs emerges, this EHAP will be revised as often as necessary. Until the next revision can be done, this EHAP with its current estimates1, plans and strategies should allow the humanitarian community to secure resources for and implement a heightened response to this worsening crisis. Also, individual projects and their funding requirements may be updated on line, in coordination with the Humanitarian Coordinator and relevant cluster, at any time.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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