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Situation Report 1 - Tropical Depression Matthew Impacts Belize (September 25, 2010)


Belize inundated by heavy rains from Tropical Depression Matthew as it passed over Belize.


Tropical Depression Matthew made landfall in southern Belize, after crossing Honduras, on Saturday September 25, 2010. The country experienced heavy rains between 5 - 10 inches during Matthew's passage causing flooding in low-lying areas. The 'All Clear' for the system was issued at 3:00 p.m. Saturday September 25, 2010. All Emergency Operation Centres (EOCs) were stood down by 5:00 p.m. Saturday September 25, 2010.


Heavy rainfall in the hills will result in several rivers overflowing their banks causing flooding of low-lying areas. Roads and bridges are likely to be affected.


The National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) Secretariat has provided an Initial Situation Report of the impact of Tropical Depression Matthew.

NEMO conducted an aerial reconnaissance over southern Belize on Sunday, September 27, 2010:

- Localized flooding was observed along all major rivers. Only two rivers, the Rio Hando and the New River, in the North showed no signs of flooding or rising waters.

- Several low-lying bridges are inundated and others in the southern districts are threatened by the rising waters.

- There is some damage to the Agricultural sector due to the flooding.

- There is coastal erosion due to storm surge.

National Actions:

NEMO has issued a high flood alert for the entire country. Vessels have been deployed to the north to monitor the rising waters and provide early warning to the residents and also to act as quick response units. A river patrol is also stationed along the Belize River to assist residents in the communities. The national Coast Guard is on stand-by to offer further assistance if required.

NEMO has reported that ferry services have been suspended.

Actions by Coordinating Unit:

CDEMA made contact with the affected state to get an overview of the situation and offer any assistance required.

This is considered as a Level 1 event, which means that the situation is managed at the national level. It is recognized that the potential exists for an upgrade of this level once further assessment is undertaken.

CDEMA CU will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates as appropriate.

Contact Details: the CDEMA CU 24Hr contact number is 246-425-0386