Glide No. FL-2008-000198-HND, NIC, BLZ, GTM
Period covered by this narrative Final Report: 3 April to 24 July 2009.
Appeal target: CHF 1,469,778 (USD 1,288,657 or EUR 970,663).
Final Appeal coverage: 83%
Appeal history:
- This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on a preliminary basis on 24 October 2008 for CHF 1,110,911 (USD 1,015,550 or EUR 707,586); for nine months to assist 30,000 beneficiaries.
- CHF 271,000 (USD 247,715 or EUR 172,611) was allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 20 October 2008 to support the National Societies.
- CHF 119,300 (USD 109,049 or EUR 75,987) was allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 28 October 2008 to support the National Society of Belize in delivering immediate assistance to some 2,000 beneficiaries.
- On 31 October 2008, the budget was revised to CHF 1,513,927 CHF (USD 1,388,924 or EUR 970,466) for nine months to reach 32,000 beneficiaries.
- On 1 April 2009, the budget was revised (due to the appeal coverage) to CHF 1,469,778 (USD 1,288,657 or EUR 970,663), for nine months to reach 32,000 beneficiaries.
Since 16 October 2008, a series of severe meteorological events affected the countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, with heavy rains and floods affecting more than 330,000 people in these countries. Houses and public infrastructure were damaged and crops were lost. The National Societies of the affected countries drew up plans of action to assist people with essential relief items and carry out capacity-building activities.
Institutions which contributed to this Appeal include the Italian and Swedish governments, as well as Partner National Societies: the American Red Cross, the British Red Cross, the Canadian Red Cross, the Finnish Red Cross, the Japanese Red Cross Society and the Netherlands Red Cross Societies. Thanks to the contributions, the affected National Societies of Belize, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua were able to complete the relief phase planned at the onset of the emergency during the period October to December 2008. A total of 6,922 families were reached by providing essential relief items in all four countries. Additionally this emergency appeal included specific water and sanitation, shelter, early recovery and National Society capacity-building activities. The water and sanitation objective was funded by bilateral contributions in some countries and after damage and need assessments were completed, it was decided that shelter activities were no longer required. The remaining objectives could not be completed as planned since the full funding target for the Appeal was not reached.