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Belgium + 4 more

UNHCR Belgium Fact Sheet, September 2024


In June 2024, Belgium held European, national, and regional elections. In this context, UNHCR issued a Memorandum with key recommendations for strengthening integration and protection of forcibly displaced and stateless people.

Between January - June 2024, 17,853 people applied for international protection, an increase of 16,39 per cent compared to 2023. The total recognition rate at first instance stands at 46.7 per cent.

The reception system remains overstrained in Belgium. UNHCR continues to call for adequate reception conditions for all applicants, without discrimination.


World Refugee Day

To celebrate World Refugee Day, UNHCR co-organized Brussels Refugee Week with the refugee committees. Several events were organized, including a football tournament, concerts with refugee artists, a bazaar with arts from refugee artisans, and five movie nights highlighting stories of forced displacement.


In August 2024, UNHCR welcomed three Syrian and 4four Congolese students who arrived in Belgium through the EUPassworld educational pathways, to start university in Belgium (see below story).


In July 2024, UNHCR organized a training on statelessness for the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless persons (CGRS) and Immigration Office staff, in the context of the forthcoming entry into force of the new law on a residence permit for stateless persons.