Key events and updates
Earthquake in Nepal
Situation overview, as of 12 November 2023
On 3 November 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Karnali province, western Nepal with an epicentre in Ramidanda, Jajarkot district, approximately 65 km northeast of Surkhet. This has been followed by multiple aftershocks including a 5.8 magnitude aftershock on 6 November.
As of 13 November, according to UNICEF, 154 deaths (70 males and 84 females) have been reported including 366 people injured. Children account for 50-60% of the casualties and injuries.
A total of thirteen districts were impacted and according to UNICEF, as of 13 November there are an estimated 250 000 people (including 80 000 children) affected in the districts of Jajarkot and Rukum West.
Approximately 62 039 houses have been damaged with 26 550 fully destroyed and 35 489 partially damaged and many people are sleeping in open or makeshift shelters in freezing temperatures.
A total of 47 health facilities have been damaged with 13 facilities rendered nonfunctional, leading to a significant disruption of critical health services such as maternal and newborn care.
Health needs
Continuation of essential health services, including sexual and reproductive health, maternity and child health services, mental health, and psychosocial support (MHPSS). Nearly 5 000 pregnant women are likely to require maternal and newborn care.
The establishment of active surveillance for the early detection and timely response to outbreaks. In particular, there is an increased risk of respiratory and waterborne infections.
Mapping of displacement sites and shelters, to ensure accessibility to the nearest health facilities and enable a rapid response in case of outbreaks.
Country response
The Government of Nepal is leading response efforts with support from the private sector, local nongovernmental organizations, neighbouring countries and international humanitarian organizations.
Four Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs) were deployed by the Ministry of Health and Population.
More than five medical tents were installed in Jajarkot and Rukum West.
200 newborn incentive kits including warm clothes and 300 health kits were provided to health facilities.
Provision of 14 different sets of inter-agency reproductive health kits, including medicines and supplies.
Provision of tents to establish health posts with birthing centers.
UN agencies have strengthened their cluster co-leadership functions, prepositioned relief items and facilitated the transportation and storage of assistance.
WHO Response
Provided technical, coordination and information management support at the federal and provincial level including the linkage with the inter-cluster coordination.
Support for implementation of active syndromic disease surveillance and event-based surveillance.
Support for mental health and psycho-social support, including psychosocial counselling for earthquake survivors.
Review of risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) materials for priority health threats in coordination with the National Health Education, Information and Communication Center (NHEICC).
Dispatched two basic modules of Interagency Emergency Health kits to Jajarkot.