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Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP in Cox’s Bazar | Information Booklet - Overview of Programmes, Innovations, Partnerships, Sectors and Cross-cutting themes (October 2021)


Emergency Response in the Rohingya Refugee Camps


By end-September 2021, there were almost 903,000* Rohingya refugees living in the Cox’s Bazar area (UNHCR, 2021), including over 18,000 living on Bhasan Char island. With population density reaching 60,000 persons per km2, ensuring refugees’ safety and wellbeing remains a serious challenge compounded by disasters like monsoon flooding and the massive March 2021 fire. The COVID-19 crisis has heightened vulnerabilities among refugees with 96 percent considered moderately and highly vulnerable by the end of 2020 (REVA-IV, 2021).