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Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP in Cox’s Bazar | Information Booklet, Overview of Programmes, Innovations, Partnerships, Sectors, Cross-Cutting Themes (January 2021)


Emergency Response in the Rohingya Refugee Camps


  • E-vouchers scaled-up to serve almost 99% of refugees with General Food Assistance by the end of 2020

  • Building Blocks launched in the Rohingya refugee camps, serving 716,000 refugees by the end of 2020

  • WFP continued to provide food assistance and nutrition services throughout the COVID-19 pandemic

  • Self-reliance, Disaster Risk Reduction and School Feeding activities adapted in response to COVID-19


By the end of 2020 there were over 866,000 Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh. This includes almost 600,000 refugees in the Kutupalong mega camp, the largest refugee camp in the world, and over 3,750 refugees on Bhashan Char (3,400 who were relocated in December and 306 who were rescued at sea in April 2020). Although the situation has stabilized and all refugees continue to receive humanitarian assistance, they are almost entirely dependant on humanitarian assistance and still face major challenges, particularly the lack of regular income and livelihood opportunities. COVID-19 heightened vulnerabilities for refugees with the suspension of non-essential activities in the camps impacting income opportunities, households’ purchasing power and threatening food security.


Since the start of the crisis in August 2017, WFP has provided food assistance to the camp population and nutrition services to pregnant and nursing mothers and young children. This assistance is complemented with life-skills training, disaster risk reduction activities and common engineering services. WFP also facilitates essential shared Logistics and Emergency Telecommunication services and co-leads the Food Security Sector. In March 2020, WFP rapidly adapted its programmes with the outbreak of COVID-19 to adhere to government restrictions while ensuring lifesaving interventions continue.