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Bangladesh + 1 more

UNICEF Bangladesh Revised Response Plan for Rohingya Crisis, October 2017


Context and Humanitarian Needs

The influx of Rohingya refugees from northern parts of Myanmar Rakhine State into Bangladesh restarted following the attacks in the Myanmar Border Guard Police posts on 25 August 2017. As of 30th September, the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG) reported that an estimated 501,800 people have entered Bangladesh since the attacks. The situation remains highly fluid, with more than 15,000 people coming in every day. People continue to come in through different crossing points, including by marine routes in coastal areas on the Bay of Bengal, over the Naf River in Teknaf and via land crossing points in Ukhiya and Bandarban District.

With the new Influx of 501,800 since 25 August 2017, the current total number of Rohingya people who have fled from Myanmar into Bangladesh, coupled with the affected population in the communities has reached 1.2 million as estimated by the Inter-Sector Coordination Group (ISCG). It is estimated that 80 per cent of the new arrivals are children and women including newborn babies and pregnant and lactating women.

720,000 children, both from new arrivals, existing Rohingyas, contingency and vulnerable host communities, are affected and need urgent humanitarian assistance including critical life-saving interventions.

UNICEF has been providing humanitarian assistance since previous influx in October 2016. As of September 2017, UNICEF has so far reached a total of 100,000 people with WASH facilities, and deliver key message on improved hygiene practices. Over 45,000 children were screened for malnutrition of which 7,000 were provided with micronutrient powder and 650 were treated for severe acute malnutrition. UNICEF is also procured nutrition supplies to treat children with severe acute malnutrition; 19,000 pregnant and lactating women received infant and young child feeding counselling support; 25,000 children received psychosocial support and child protection services through Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) and Adolescent Safe Spaces; and 16,000 children are attending UNICEF supported learning centers. For prevention of diseases 133,000 children (6 months -15 years) were vaccinated against measles and rubella as well as Polio.

To deliver immediate life-saving humanitarian assistance to the affected women and children, UNICEF requires US$76 million for the next 6 months. UNICEF is responding to this emergency in partnership with other humanitarian actors (Govt. of Bangladesh, UN agencies, and NGOs) with support from donor agencies. This response plan is in line to UNICEF contribution to the inter-agency humanitarian response plan. Based on this plan, the country office will update UNICEF’s Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) appeal. The required assistance includes emergency WASH, Nutrition, Child Protection, Health including Cholera prevention and response as well as Education services to vulnerable populations, mainly women and children. This response plan will be reviewed and revised after a period of six months of its implementation.

Based on its strong existing programme in host communities and Child Protection and Education in makeshift settlements, UNICEF will aim at universal coverage of children in needs in all areas in makeshift settlements, new spontaneous settlements and host communities. UNICEF will expand its WASH, Nutrition, Community Mobilisation including through adolescent engagement and Health Programme in host communities and makeshift settlements, in particular in Kutupalong and the Balukhali extension, as well as the new spontaneous sites in host communities where other actors are not yet present. Amongst the new spontaneous settlement, UNICEF is prioritizing Unchiprang while being mindful of the government’s relocation plans. All of strategies outlined below take into consideration the importance of the humanitarian-development nexus. UNICEF also aims to strengthen government systems and process to benefit the affected population; including host communities.